Calhoun School Alumni Association

Calhoun Hall of Fame

To nominate someone for the Calhoun Hall of Fame, please click here.

Calhoun Alumni Association Scholarships

The Calhoun Alumni Association offers college scholarships to students who have attended and completed the 8th grade at Calhoun Elementary School.  The Alumni Association hopes to award several scholarships this year using grant funding, gifts, and donations to the Alumni Scholarship Fund.  

Scholarships will be awarded using gifts and donations in memory of Mrs. Alice Myers Edwards, long-time English teacher at Calhoun High School and first full-time librarian at Calhoun Elementary. These include:

  • Alice M Edwards Scholarship (4 @ $1000 each to high school senior)

  • Alice M Edwards Continuing Education Scholarship (4 @ $1000 each to post-secondary students in the 4 years after high school)

  • Alice M Edwards Dual Enrollment Scholarship (2 @ $250 to high school students pursuing college credit before graduating high school)

A scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior who participated in sports representing Calhoun Elementary.  This is given in memory of Mr. George Harbison, long-time community member, fan, and supporter of anything and everything Calhoun.  He would be overjoyed to know that a Mink will further his or her education in his memory.

A VEC scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior pursuing a degree or related trade certification in the areas of electricity, engineering, business, or accounting. This is pending Calhoun Alumni Association receives grant funding.

The deadline for applying for scholarships is midnight on March 8, 2024.  You will be notified via phone call and email if you are awarded a scholarship. In addition, high schools are notified for inclusion in awards programs.   Please note that scholarships payments are sent directly to the enrolled school.

Congratulations to you for your accomplishments, and we look forward to receiving your application! Go Minks! 

Always remember, “Everybody is Somebody at Calhoun School!” 

Complete Scholarship Application Here